Kamis, 07 November 2013


Yeah, Love. Love is you. I always try to forget what is LOVE. I just think. LOVE isn't important. LOVE make me crazy. And isn't my time to loving or be a lovers. But, i still cant't forget it. I have my first love on 5rd grades elementary school with my ENEMY._______. I think isn't first love, but............ just "MONKEY LOVE" ye-ah. Is it true??? .
And then, on 7th grades i REALLY FALL IN LOVE with other people-______-. Okay its my privacy. Back to LOVE!
Sometimes, i need LOVE. But, sometimes, i hope LOVE  move from my life!. Its a LABILE person. Ya-ah, thats people if they're FALL IN LOVE like mee. Okay. FALL IN LOVE is nothing special. And we just need, how to make it special. Right? No? Let's move :)) ye-ah, i still confused w/ people who are in love. They hope they couple will make them happy, smile, and also happiness? I think no. They just make many mistakes and its very and veryyy........ UGLY. Ye-ah so UGLY. Until here, Im forget if i just talk about LOVE. Okay, just stop here.
Byeeee :-*

Rabu, 06 November 2013

New Blog...

Haloo, namaku Aik. Nama kamu siapa?
Ini blog pertamaku... Selama ini aku tidak pernah punya keinginan untuk membuat blog seperti ini, tapi ini semua demi tugasku._.

Ada yg bilang aku itu jahat, baik, nyebelin, jelek, cantik... Yaa semua kritikan orang akan aku terima. itulah semua adalah opini. Tapi aku juga manusia, yang punya banyak salah, mungkin banyak banget salahku, dan aku juga punya banyak banget pahala tapi mungkin siihh ._. gapenting yaaa

Sekian post dari aku ya, kapan2 aku ngepost lagii...